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Dutch FM-activities in LMICs.
The film: Why FM is a must!
A special edition on FM of Medicus Tropicus: FM-training in Africa.
Country info of FM: see WONCA-site!
FM-training started in Gabarone in 2010. Main training sites are district hospitals in Mahalapye and Maun. Head of the FM- department is: Vincent Selthare,
DRC (Democratic Republic Congo)
Recently Vainqueur Diakengua Nsongisa – a resident of the FM training program in Kinshasa – started a research project on hypertension.
The research is part of an online support program ARC see also the WONCA-website: Afriwon Research Collaboration of WONCA.
It is quite a challenge if this program is living up to its expectations.
email: Vainqueur Diakengua
Dutch GPs from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) are involved in training nurses in Ghana on different aspects of FM. For contact: See their website.
Gert van den Berg has just left for Ghana. Click here for his Blog
Five universities in Kenya offer FM-training now:
1. Moi University in Eldoret (page on FM-training in MU)
a. For news on Eldoret & the history of the FM-training in MU: Click
b. For the FM-curriculum in Moi University Click
c. For the FM-trainers in Eldoret Click
d. The HDSS in Eldoret & in Nairobi (S. v/d Vijver & the SCALE UP Study,
2. Aga Kahn University Hospital (AKUH) Nairobi
3. Kabarak University. Infamed provides tuition fees.
4. Kenyatta University (see film) Nairobi
5. Maseno University Kisumu
6. Dutch Family Practitioners in Kenya
a. Rotary Doctors in Kenya
b. Karen surgery Margriet van Unen FP.
Malawi (see also: volunteering as FP in Malawi)
Malawi has a vibrant FM-training in Blantyre. Volunteer GPs are welcomed as Support staff during the 6 weeks rural electives of residents.
Interested in volunteering as GP in the practice in McClear of Mrs van Os? Click for info.
Rwanda started FM in 2008. In 2011 the intake was halted and in 2015 the last resident graduated. The former department of family and community medicine (FAMCO), presently Discipline of Primary Health Care, has now focused on the undergraduate training of medical students (and pharmacy/ dental student in early years) in social and community medicine. Mieke Visser and Maaike Flinkenflogel are key people in this program. Read their rapport from april 2016 Article FM collaboration ruanda More info Click
South Africa
SA is the light beacon for FM for the rest of Africa. People like Steve Reid, Bruce Sparks and many others lead the message of FM.
The power of the FM-approach for me is the work of Hugo Tempelman – a Dutch GP – together with Liesje Froeling in Elandshoorn.
Dr. Shabir Moosa is active around Gauteng and Johannesburg. He did impressive work and is key to many contacts in SA. See his website for WONCA and his personal website
Tanzania (extra page)
No FM-training yet, but there are lots of initiatives in FM. Read more: Click
Palliative care is a Family Medicine spearhead and Rubya Hospital is an advocate in training nurses in Palliative Care, doing home visits in the villages.
Fons Mathot’s has a brief story on the training and a compelling home visit.
Read more on the recent visit of Prof. Niek de Wit with PUM in Tanzania.
In Makarere University a new Head of Department FM has started: Jane Frances Namatovu.
Jane made a “A brief of the developments in Family Medicine” with literature on FM in Uganda. She has been supported by the PM-fund to do a course for starting a PhD in MU (foto) with Prof GeertJan Dinant. Adam Lagro is her host during her stay. Jane has been teaching in Rwanda as part of an exchange (foto). We hope to collaborate on making FM-training in Uganda a success.
Lotte van Dijk, AIGT works since 2014 in Kampala (The Surgery, A FM-practice/ medical home/ emergency dep. with High Dependency Unit and admission facilities). If you want to contact her for her experiences, mail and we will bring you in contact with Lotte.
Jelle Struik (FP) recently worked as a locum in a rural hospital in Zambia He experienced that as a FP he was valuable even though he was not trained as tropical doctor in surgery.
Read his site:
For contact with Jelle mail: for his email.