
Former tropical doctors stray off to other countries to work as GP. So did Jan Auke Dijkstra by moving to France. France offers a great Job opportunity because of a huge shortage of rural GPs. You need to speak French. He works 50/50 in 2 practices, one in a village of 8000, with one other colleague.
He worked 8 years in Curaçao in the eighties in a hospital and as a GP. Then three years in the Republic of Benin and later in Rwanda after the genocide in 1995. Then back to Antwerp for an MPH, applying it in Zimbabwe for a couple of years. Then 3 years 50/50 in Geneva (Travel Medicine) en France (GP) and back for 5 years to Africa, Namibia, for the WHO in HIV-control. In 2011 settled as GP in France near Geneva. His kids are in the international school.