Working as a GP in Australia

Quite a few GPs of the WHIG have been to Australia. Especially working in rural areas is challenging. For aios or GP-registrars who like to apply for an elective in General Practice in Australia click here. This would be in your second or third year of the GP-training. Dutch GPs who want to go to Australia to work there for 1 or 2 years, see this “The Always-wanted- to-know-but-too-afraid-to-ask-easy-to-work-in-Australia-GP guide”. Still have questions? Feel free to contact a Dutch college by mail

Interested in the website of a Dutch GP who worked in Australia, loved it and has practical advice for you on that site. see:
The best website for working in Australia is

Recently, it has become easier to do an orientation by videoconferencing with an Australian FP. Click here for more info. Noelle Jones writes:
For GPs from the Netherlands who have the Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice the situation has now improved.  Doctors with this qualification can now start the process to work in Australia via video conferencing interviews with the GP College in Australia.  Much easier than coming to Australia for the interview. We will help the GPs through the entire process – including sponsoring, visa, employment contracts, placements, guidance through the system etc – we will look after them.

General information
General Practitioners from the Netherlands are required to hold the Certificate of Specific Training for General Practice to be eligible for the RACGP Specialist Pathway.  Where the doctor intends to come for a period of less than 12 months no exam  is necessary however, would be required to undertake a FICPI (Fit for Intended Post Clinical Interview) with the RACGP before being eligible for medical board registration in Australia.  All International Medical Graduates are required to provide evidence of English Language requirements,

Doctor’s who are interested in a longer term assignment (1-4 years) are required to undertake the fellowship examinations to remain eligible to work in Australia through the Specialist pathway.
AMA Recruit are responsible for the recruitment, placement and sponsorship of International Medical Graduates and will guide the doctor through each particular stage of the process as well as delivering a full orientation program to the doctor upon arrival in Australia.

Look also for Vacancies in Australia at Jason Clark APRCSA | Recruitment Consultant |P 03 6224 4399 |M 0405 708 740 | SKYPE ochre.jason. Level 4 |18 Elizabeth Street | Hobart | TAS | 7000

Every state has its own policy and some are more proactive. For example:
– Victoria: Karen Argall is the Recruitment Manager at the Rural Workforce Agency, Victoria (Australia). RWAV recruits suitably qualified and experienced general practitioners (Australian trained and overseas trained) to work in rural Victoria. Look at or mail Karen.Argall©

– New South Wales. Special attention deserve health care services for aboriginals. Clever solutions for good care in special circumstances. They also need GPs. See

– Western Australia. See

– Tasmania has the highest shortage of GPs and also has a very active Rural Workforce Agency.