The literature on under & postgraduate Family Medicine Training in LRCs is growing.
This pages provides you with links to a selected number of relevant publications.
For PhD studies in FM in LMICs we made a special page with also info on applying for grants
Papers on the emerging of FM-training in Kenya + a study comparing the introduction of FM into Primary Care in 7 other countries
Evolution of Family Medicine in Kenya (1990s to date): a case study (P. Chege et al.)
Strengthening Primary Care Through FM Around the World: Collaborating Toward Promising Practices
“Must read” general papers about FM in LMICs.
1. The WONCA Statement of consensus on Family Medicine in Africa
2. Last statement of the 5th Primafamed conference (Vic Falls) on FM
3. The conclusion in the thesis of the S-African GP Shabir Moosa
4. The special edition of Medicus Tropicus (2012) on FM-training.
5. Providing proper generalist care during compulsary service (P.vd Hombergh)
6. Editorial of Sylvia Mennink in the Medicus Tropicus-special.
7. Thesis: Contribution of Family Physicians to SA health care system.
Recommended books
Gofin J, Gofin J, Neumark Y, Epstein L. 1998. The Process of Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC): An Overview. Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah.
Boelen C. 2000. Towards Unity for Health: challenges and opportunities for partnership in health development. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Nickson PJ. 1991. Community Participation in Health Care: who participates with whom ? Tropical Doctor 21, 75-77.
The College of Family Physicians of Canada: The Role of the Family Physician in Home Care. A Discussion Paper – December 2000.
Kretzmann JP and McKnight. JL. Introduction to “Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets”.