Medical Training: Time to go Global?
Incorporating Global Health & International Experience into a career in Primary Care
Acquire new skills
- Clinical e.g. history, examination, diagnosis, tropical medicine, HIV/TB etc..
- Exposure to resource-scarcity / new technology
- Leadership & Management
- Teaching & Learning
- Research
- Interpersonal skills e.g. communication, cultural competence
- Managing ethical challenges
- Cross specialty/profession collaboration
- Language
Better informed perspective on home & global situation
- Socio-economic & environmental determinants
- Health systems
- Health policy
- Global burden of disease
- Role of health advocacy
Creates enthusiasm / Renews job satisfaction
- For working at home
- For primary care & public health
- For caring for underserved & immigrant population
Read more in:
Seo HN, Smith C, Pettigrew LM, Dorward J, Bygrave H. Combining UK general practice with international work–who benefits? Br J Gen Pract. 2012 Oct;62(603):e726-8. doi: 10.3399/bjgp12X656991. No abstract available
Smith C, Pettigrew LM, Seo HN, Dorward J. Combining general practice with international work: online survey of experiences of UK GPs. JRSM Short Rep. 2012 Jul;3(7):46. doi: 10.1258/shorts.2012.012054. Epub 2012 Jul 13.