1. General publications on Family Medicine in LMIC
General Publications are papers , films and books on
1. The evidence for Family Medicine Care
2. How Family Medicine (training ) can be promoted
3. Access to health workers in rural areas
2. A top 7 on FM in LMICs
1. Evolution of FM in Kenya (1990s to date): a case study (P. Chege et al.)
2. Strengthening Primary Care through FM around the World
3. The conclusion in the thesis of the S-African GP Shabir Moosa
4. The WONCA Statement of consensus on Family Medicine in Africa
5. Last statement of the 5th Primafamed conference (Vic Falls) on FM
6. MT made a special edition (2012) on FM-training.
7. Sylvia Mennink – chairman – starts with an editorial in this MT-special.
3. Literature on FM Training in IH
Read relevant papers on the core & effectivity of Training Family Physicians.
4. Novels & Notes of FPs/ tropical doctors
5. Other relevant papers
Medisch contact:
Werken in een achterstandswijk als huisarts
1. Patiënt_in_achterstandswijk_komt_zorg_tekort_MC2feb2017_artikel kopie
2. Global Health maakt artsen bescheiden – Medisch Contact
1. Reimagining nutrition education for pregnant adolescents in the face of climate change: a community approach. Fleur de Meijer et al.
2. Can written prompts help medical residents to accurately monitor their own communication skills and those of others? Fleur de Meijer et al.
3. Leadership in health services_2014
4. Medical training- time to go global? L.Pettigrew
5. Contribution to the FM-orientation of doctors/ MO’s who do compulsary service; Such service is a good moment to start training in FM
6. How best to prepare for epidemics? Strengthen primary care
Dokters van de Wereld, zorg voor ongedocumenteerden:
1. Het beeld van de immigrant als gelukszoeker, dat vaak wordt geschetst, staat zo haaks op het meisje dat ik voor me zie. De Linda 05-09-2024|
2. European observatory report- zorg voor ongedocumenteerden onvoldoende 2015
Archives of Medicus Tropicus: https://www.nvtg.org/index.php?id=1138
e-mail: MTredactie@nvtg.org
6. FILMS relevant for FM & IH
- The PM-fund & Hans & Marianne Bakker helped to make this film on the relevance of the Family Physician for Kenya and all LMICs. The patient’s view makes the message so strong.
The film and background information from Eldoret on the film
Click here for the film on youtube (3 min.) or for the full version (30 min.) - The AIGT or Global Heath doctor is a highly relevant and attractive specialisation. Why would it be your choice in your medical career? Click for the film.
- Karibu Daktari (Kees Deenik) is an impression of the 6 wk volunteer job in Kenya. Especially the treatment of chronic diseases. It could be something for you!!