For full info on the 4-year FM-training in Kenya see: the KAFP-website hosted by Infamed. For short info? See the documentary film on Youtube (3′) or the full version (30′)
The FM-training PROGRAM
The first two years focus on clinical disciplines (surgery, Gyn/Obst, Internal medicine, psychiatry) on a postgrad level. The second two years have electives in community health, palliative care, management & communication and public health. There is also focus on chronic diseases like DM, CVD, Astma/COPD and HIV/ AIDS.
The FP work in hospitals and are in close contact with health facilities around the hospital. The treatment is patient centered in all aspects.
The most recent publication on FM in SSA is a qualitative study in Eldoret Kenya. It is an evaluation of the actual performance of FPs in the health care system. It is a comprehensive report on all the roles of the FP. It is the best peek inside the work, the thoughts and life of the present FPs. It is great stuff for teaching and also for advocacy.
Report of the visit (04 -2011) to the FM training + a report for the donors)
Some pictures Click to enlarge
The Community Health Workers in Naitiri show us their contribution
The CHW did a play to make clear what their daily work was.
Vision & Mission of Kangundu Hospital supporting community & FH.
Thigiti, Geraldine and The Management Board of Kangundu hospital
Training FM in Moi-university in Eldoret KENYA
WHY a Family Health-training
The former tropical doctor is a much needed specialty in Africa. African doctors cannot enter a training for generalists. If there is also no opportunity to become specialist, they leave their country. The training for Family Medicine or General Practice in Kenya is a 4-year-training for allround doctors in sub-district hospitals and health centers. This rural orientation was the reason for a FM-training in Eldoret. Read the policy document on Kenyan Family Medicine presented and approved by the Kenyan MOH. This document was based on work done in a two day workshop with all the people involved in the FM-training in Moi and was lead by Jarl Chabot.
Such a generalist (FP) could help to close the gap between specialist care and care given by the various non-physician workers. Good primary care, backed up by research & education derived from the profession of general practice is in great demand and necessary to escape the poverty spiral. A training for Family practice/ general practice has started in Eldoret (Kenya) and is a promising development.
The M.Med FM Program is to prepare competent, caring, compassionate Family Physicians committed to serving their community by providing leadership in their communities, in addressing the broad range of health needs, rendering comprehensive clinical services, educating themselves to life-long learning. Moi University cooperates with Infa-Med and the WHIG in the training.
INFA-MED works in collaboration with Moi University Medical School and three CHAK teaching hospitals, namely, Tenwek, Kijabe and Lugulu, which offer training for Family Medicine practitioners.
During our visits of Eldoret we often spoke to Doctor Otsyula, the dean of the Eldoret University and the team of staff determined to provide FP-training for interested doctors. Half of the Kenyan doctors cannot enter a specialty after finishing university and either go abroad (brain drain) or start a private practice to get an income. A tropical generalist training was clearly missing. For those interested, you find the report of our first visit to find out if the Eldoret project was viable: Extensive information on Family practice and community oriented Primary care trainings programs van WONCA East Africa by Hunt et al (GHETS and TUFH) is available in a two PDF-files: a first and a follow-up report. This is basic information for anybody who likes to be involved in GP-capacity building & training in East Africa.The report of the visit of Geraldine Beaujean you can find here
The slide presentation of Prof Ron Pust gives a good impression of the FM-training in Moi, how it is embedded, its ambitions + some clinical impressions. A must.