Information NTC-trainees

NTC-Trainees, welcome to the WHIG site.

Here you find the instructions for your course material. 1 and 2 are required. Check, also the printouts in your reader!

  1. First follow the instruction on this page (1-3) which was also in your topic form of the program “Management of a health facility”. You have to make a proper project plan on a problem you liked to solve when you were working in a health facility in a low resource country. Read how to make such a plan and write it out, before coming to the lesson.
    Go back in your memory to the hospital or health centre in the developing country, where you spent your internship or a working period. Make a project plan for an aspect of care you liked to improve during that stay. It is important to choose a  real topic (no fake problem) that you really considered useful for improvement (a true need) during your stay. It should be a topic or problem, that irritated you considerably (a true itch).  In the print out are two plan forms because your first plan is not perfect and will change.
  2. Click for the powerpoint presentation of the lecture (text without the pictures).
  3. Enjoy reading chilling wildlife injuries admitted in Kilgoris Hospital in Kenya. Read that chapter of the book “I’ve been away far too long (Wildlife in Kilgoris hospital) of people studying wildlife and their bush experiences.