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WONCA Special Interest Groups

At the recent Wonca Executive meeting in the Philippines, the expansion of the Wonca Special Interest Group (SIG) on Travel Medicine was endorsed.
The group will be known as the SIG on Migrant Care, IH & Travel Medicine. The convenor is Dr Maria van den Muijsenbergh of The Netherlands.


Good access and quality of primary care for all temporally or permanently – displaced people and travellers at all places in the world.


To improve the knowledge and skills of general practitioners as well as the organisational and financial conditions to deliver cultural competent, good quality of primary care to migrants of all kinds: travellers, economic migrants as well as refugees including the undocumented.

For further info on the SIG contact: m.vandenmuijsenbergh@elg.umcn.nl

The WHIG also recommends

  1. “The WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice” for its activities in education and training of FM in remote areas. click
  2. WONCA Africa: click. Become a member of their discussiongroep. click